How to take care of your houseplants in spring

Some basic tips to prepare them for the new season.

As we know when spring comes, our houseplants awaken from their winter sleep, and it is up to us to prepare them for the new season. After a whole winter when they have been curled up, most of them show signs of activity, it almost seems to feel them moving.

In nature, plants prepare themselves to transition to the next season, while apartment plants need help from us, so we thought it might be interesting to create an article with some useful tips.

Unfortunately, even staying indoors, dust tends to accumulate on the leaves of our plants and these can become a great habitat for insects and pests.
So we take a damp cloth and clean the leaves, this will also help us to assess the health of each plant.

During cleaning, we may find that some of our house plants have some damage due to winter sleep, so let's not be alarmed by some yellowed or dead leaves, just remove the unhealthy parts with clean and sharp scissors or even better with pruning shears, wiping with rubbing alcohol between each snip.

For each plant is of fundamental importance the quality of the light it receives, each one has a different requirement.

Since sunlight changes intensity over the course of the year in the different seasons, some plants may only need a slight shift, while others may need to be placed directly in a different location.

In addition to sunlight, plants need to be fed with water and, if necessary, magnesium to avoid yellowing of the leaves. Remember to give absolutely no fertilizer to a plant with dry soil.

Finally, if we see that some of our plants have outgrown their pots, the best season to repot them is certainly early spring, when a riot is about to begin.

We hope that these little tips will help you to make your houseplants happy.


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