Climate change is dangerously underestimated

Small tips for reducing your environmental footprint!

We often hear about climate change, we can say every day, and it is normal considering the increasingly critical situation of our planet with oceans and rivers that are too polluted, wildfires that are destroying the largest forests in the world, continuous natural disasters, the air we breathe that becomes more and more poisonous.

There are many variables affecting climate change and we must be good at figuring out where we can intervene directly. It is essential to be aware of what we, as individuals, can do to help our planet by taking responsibility.

Human have triggered a cycle of activities that are harmful to the balance of our planet, causing rapid climate change. The continuous increase in landfills, deforestation without a criterion and other uncontrolled activities are certainly contributing to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.
When we talk about climate change we are referring to a change over a period of several decades.

Everything is connected, in fact, temperatures are changing, and rainfall and winds are increasing or decreasing drastically. Every day now, we see dramatic events caused by rising temperatures. 
Specialized studies show how the earth is getting warmer and warmer and this isn’t a natural consequence, as happened in the past with the glaciations for example, but is caused by human activity.
The rise in sea level is a signal that shouldn’t be underestimated at all, it should be a wake-up call for us to act. One might think that small actions are useless, but our actions as individuals put together have a huge impact on this situation.

A change in our habits is very important. We could start by using less of the car. Today in most cities, we are lucky to be able to use different public transport, cycle lanes or even better we can walk around, and this would be great for our health as well.

Reduce the use of water and electricity when they aren’t needed. We don't leave lights or TVs on when we're not in that room, we turn off the water while we soap our hands or teeth. These are all actions that may seem unnecessary, but they are very significant and take nothing away from our daily life.
Another factor of great impact is certainly recycling to eliminate waste. This process allows us to keep under control the amount of waste we produce.

For every day there are excellent eco-friendly items that last for a long time, so reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. According to some data, a large amount of global emissions also comes from livestock farming, so we could try to reduce meat consumption.
Unfortunately, climate change is real, it exists! We must assume our responsibilities by trying to improve our habits, to create a better future.

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